Sensorimotor Art Therapy



Neurological research has proven that trauma is held in the body and needs to be treated through embodying therapies. Instead of addressing the storied memories, Sensorimotor Art Therapy® focuses on regulating the nervous system, building resources, encouraging active responses to once overwhelming events, and nurturing developmental deficits.

We instantly respond to safety and threat with our body. Sensorimotor Art Therapy® encourages the awareness of such implicit felt sense experiences; it fosters the expression of these body sensations to enable clients to actively respond to otherwise often overwhelming or inexplicable events. Drawing in rhythmic repetition, or the physical encounter with the resistant clay engages the motor cortex; and simultaneously it stimulates increasingly satisfying sensory feedback.

In the safety of a session this sensorimotor feedback loop encourages the development of new neurological pathways that can repair traumatic ruptures that once occurred. Such sensorimotor achievements can lastingly transform even early infant developmental setbacks; they assist in finding an active response to traumatic experiences. They allow us to rewrite our biography towards a more authentic, alive sense of self.





Sensorimotor Art Therapy® has been developed by Cornelia Elbrecht

Sensorimotor Art Therapy



Neurological research has proven that trauma is held in the body and needs to be treated through embodying therapies. Instead of addressing the storied memories, Sensorimotor Art Therapy® focuses on regulating the nervous system, building resources, encouraging active responses to once overwhelming events, and nurturing developmental deficits.

We instantly respond to safety and threat with our body. Sensorimotor Art Therapy® encourages the awareness of such implicit felt sense experiences; it fosters the expression of these body sensations to enable clients to actively respond to otherwise often overwhelming or inexplicable events. Drawing in rhythmic repetition, or the physical encounter with the resistant clay engages the motor cortex; and simultaneously it stimulates increasingly satisfying sensory feedback.

In the safety of a session this sensorimotor feedback loop encourages the development of new neurological pathways that can repair traumatic ruptures that once occurred. Such sensorimotor achievements can lastingly transform even early infant developmental setbacks; they assist in finding an active response to traumatic experiences. They allow us to rewrite our biography towards a more authentic, alive sense of self.






Sensorimotor Art Therapy® has been developed by Cornelia Elbrecht

Developmental trauma is preverbal, and even trauma in later life is frequently distorted or cognitively inaccessible. However the body remembers.

Trauma-informed practice

Our approaches are informed by Somatic Experiencing®, Polyvagal Theory, Focussing, Jungian Depth Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, body work, and mindfulness practice. Its focus is on stabilising clients, and regulating their nervous system. Finding an active response through tracking body sensations and applying pendulation makes trauma therapy gentle, creative and actually enjoyable.

Would you like to know more about Sensorimotor Art Therapy®?  Watch this video. >>>



Rhythm, movement, posture, breath and touch can become gateways to remember flow, safety, confidence and joy.


Supported in a safe environment such sensorimotor explorations foster growing relational confidence.


Healing the felt sense in the brainstem and midbrain, where trauma is being held, creates lasting change, and leads to a more fulfilling sense of self.

We touch something and receive instant sensory feedback about the pleasurable or dangerous potential of this object or person. Love and safety, but also violence, abuse, medical and sexual trauma are embodied in this preverbal way.

Cornelia Elbrecht

Sensorimotor Art Therapy


Both Guided Drawing® and Clay Field Therapy® are sensorimotor, body-focused, trauma-informed art therapy approaches.